[Read Paper] Eyeriss v2: A Flexible and High-Performance Accelerator for Emerging Deep Neural Networks

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Eyeriss v2: A Flexible and High-Performance Accelerator for Emerging Deep Neural Networks

This article describes:

  • a performance analysis framework named Eyexam which provides a seven-step process to systematically identify the source of performance loss and can be used to develop a set of roofline models to quantitatively identify the source of performance loss in DNN processors;
  • a DNN accelerator named Eyeriss v2 which uses a hierarchical NoC that allows the system to exploit spatial data reuse for large DNNs and deliver high bandwidth for compact DNNs with the scalability;

Changes in Performance and Flexibility

Two Bad Ways in Widely Varying Data Reuse

  • depend on data reuse in certain data dimensions
    • the spatial accumulation array architecture relies on both output and input channels;
      • the temporal accumulation array architecture relies on another set of data dimensions;
  • lower data reuse need a higher data bandwidth

To Build a Truly Flexible DNN Processor

  • the dataflow relies on certain data dimensions for data reuse
    • low utilization of the parallelism when those data dimensions diminish
  • the NoC and its corresponding memory hierarchy
    • high bandwidth and low spatial data reuse;
      • low bandwidth and high spatial data reuse scenarios;
      • instead of being adaptive to the specific condition of the workload;


Two Main Factors that Affect Performance

  • the number of active PEs due to the mapping determined by the dataflow;
  • the utilization of active PEs based on whether the NoC has sufficient bandwidth to deliver data to PEs to keep them active;

This is a example dataflow for a 1D CONV:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
 int R2, R1, R0, E2, E1, E0;
 // R0, R1, R2 related to filter
 R2 = 2;//chnl of filter, C, sum of one chnl ofmap
 R1 = 3;//height of filter, R, psum of one row ofmap
 R0 = 4;//width of filter, S, ppsum of one ofmap
 // E0, E1, E2 related to ofmap
 E2 = 2;//chnl of ofmap or number of filters, M, sums in different chnl ofmaps
 E1 = 4;//height of ofmap, E, psum of one chnl ofmap
 E0 = 5;//width of ofmap, F, ppsum of one row ofmap
 int inx_o, inx_i, inx_w;
 for (int e2 = 0; e2 < E2; e2++) {
  for (int r2 = 0; r2 < R2; r2++) {
   for (int e1 = 0; e1 < E1; e1++) {
    for (int r1 = 0; r1 < R1; r1++) {
     for (int e0 = 0; e0 < E0; e0++) {
      for (int r0 = 0; r0 < R0; r0++) {
       inx_o = e2*E1*E0+e1*E0+e0;
       inx_i = e2*E1*E0+e1*E0+e0 + r2*R1*R0+r1*R0+r0;
       inx_w = r2*R1*R0+r1*R0+r0;
       printf("O[%d] += I[%d] * W[%d]\t", inx_o, inx_i, inx_w);
       //printf("O[e2*E1*E0+e1*E0+e0] = O[%d*E1*E0+%d*E0+%d]\n", e2, e1, e0);
       /* code */
      /* code */
      //printf("----------- r0 for loop finished -----------\n");
     /* code */
     printf("*********** e0 for loop finished ***********\n");
    /* code */
    printf("+++++++++++ r1 for loop finished +++++++++++\n");
   /* code */
   printf("=========== e1 for loop finished ===========\n");
  /* code */
  printf("@@@@@@@@@@@ r2 for loop finished @@@@@@@@@@@\n");
 return 0;

  • inner two for loops represent the temporal processing and SPad accesses within a PE;
  • the outer two for loops represent the temporal processing of multiple passes across the PE array and GLB accesses;
  • the two parallel-fors represent the distribution of computation across multiple PEs;

Seven steps to analyse the performance of an architecture

  • layer shape and size: the number of MACs in the layer
  • dataflow: the maximum parallelism of the dataflow
  • number of PEs: the theoretical peak performance. Two shape fragmentation:
    • spatial mapping fragmentation: R or R1 is smaller than the number of PEs => some are completely idle
      • temporal mapping fragmentation: R is not an integer multiple of PEs => some are not always active
  • physical dimensions of the PE array: the run-time utilization of PEs due to shape fragmentation for each dimension
  • storage capacity: reduce the number of active PEs due to storage of intermediate data. e.g., limited storage for psums => the limited number of weights be processed in parallel => limited number of active PEs that can operate in parallel
  • data bandwidth: insufficient average bandwidth to active PEs. The performance will be bandwidth-limited when the operational intensity is lower than the inflection point
  • varying data access patterns: insufficient instant bandwidth to active PEs

the roofline model

the impact of Eyexam steps on the roofline model

summary of steps in Eyexam

Performance Analysis Results for DNN Processors and Workloads

  • simply increasing hardware resources is not sufficient to achieve a higher performance
  • the dataflow has to be flexible enough to deal the diminished reuse available in any data dimensions
  • the NoC design should meet the worst-case bandwidth requirement for every data type
  • the NoC design should aim to exploit data reuse to minimize the number of GLB accesses

Flexible Dataflow

The new dataflow named Row-Stationary Plus supports data tiling from all dimensions to fully utilize the PE array.

  • additional loops g1 and n1 are added at the NoC level to provide more options to parallelize different dimensions of data
  • allow data to be tiled from multiple dimensions and mapped in parallel onto the same PE array dimension
  • the data tile from the same dimension can also be mapped spatially onto different physical dimensions to fully utilize the PE array
  • allow tile in data dimension R with loop r1
  • an additional loop e0 is added at the SPad level to create more reuse of weights in the SPad.

The definition of the Row-Stationary Plus (RS+) dataflow

inx_o = g3*G2*G1 + g2*G1 + g1
    + n3*N2*N1*N0 + n2*N1*N0 + n1*N0 + n0
    + m3*M2*M1*M0 + m2*M1*M0 + m1*M0 + m0
    + e0
    + f3*F2*F1*F0 + f2*F1*F0 + f1*F0 + f0;
inx_i = g3*G2*G1 + g2*G1 + g1
    + n3*N2*N1*N0 + n2*N1*N0 + n1*N0 + n0
    + e0
    + f3*F2*F1*F0 + f2*F1*F0 + f1*F0 + f0
    + c2*C1*C0 + c1*C0 + c0
    + r0
    + s2*S1 + s1;
inx_w = g3*G2*G1 + g2*G1 + g1
    + m3*M2*M1*M0 + m2*M1*M0 + m1*M0 + m0
    + c2*C1*C0 + c1*C0 + c0
    + r0
    + s2*S1 + s1;

inx_o[0] = m0 + e0*M0 + n0*E0*M0 + f0*N0*E0*M0;
inx_w[0] = m0 + c0*M0 + r0*C0*M0;
inx_i[0] = c0 + r0*C0 + e0*R0*C0 + n0*E0*R0*C0 + f0*N0*E0*R0*C0;

Flexible and Scalable NoC

A new NoC named hierarchical mesh is designed to adapt to a wide range of bandwidth requirements.

The Pros and Cons of Different NoC Implementations

  • Broadcast Network: high reuse but low bandwidth
  • Unicast Network: high bandwidth but low reuse
  • All-to-All Network: implementation cost and energy consumption increase quadratically

The pros and cons of different NoC implementations

Architecture and Work Models of Hierarchical Mesh Network

Architecture of Hierarchical Mesh Network

Work Models of Hierarchical Mesh Network


The size of clusters:

  • what is the bandwidth required from the source cluster in the worst case, i.e., unicast mode;
  • what is the bandwidth required in between the router clusters in the worst case, i.e., interleaved multicast mode;
  • what is the tolerable cost of the all-to-all network;

The tile size of the mapped data dimensions:

  • the cluster size
  • the number of clusters