[Weekly Review] 2020/03/09-15

Published: by Creative Commons Licence (Last updated: )


This week, I re-thought the data flow of row stationary plus (RS+) and tried to generate the right data for each ports.

After I figure out the truly data flow of row stationary plus, I thought we are supposed to call it column stationary as we can get one column of partial sum at Noc level and Global Buffer level.

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Scala Syntax


List.init: return the elements of the list except the tail.


Use flatten to flat one dimension.


list.zipWithIndex.collect {
  case (x,i) if i % 3 == 0 => x

List.exists && List.contains

val result = m1.exists(y => {y % 3 == 0})
val result2 = m1.contains(5)

Chisel Syntax


Because the fork likes the thread in Linux, each child run and generate data separately without any sharing. So if we want to poke in one child thread and peek at another thread, then we need to use fork.withRegion to let the compiler knows that they should sharing the information.