[Tutorial] TileLink RegMap

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Memory-mapped devices generally follow a common pattern. They expose a set of registers to the CPUs.

  • By writing to a register, the CPU can change the device’s settings or send a command.
  • By reading from a register, the CPU can query the device’s state or retrieve results.

You can use regmap interface by extending the TLRegisterRouter class or you can create a regular LaztModule and instantiate a TLRegisterNode.

Extends TLRegisterRouter

If you want to use RegMap in TileLink, you need one LazyModule and one LazyModuleImp.

As for LazyModule, you can new one TLRegisterRouter with your own trait.

As for LazyModuleImp, you new one TLRegModule with your own trait.

Instantiate a TLRegisterNode

The constructor has two required arguments:

  • address: the base address of the registers

  • device: the device tree entry

There are also two optional arguments:

  • beatBytes: the interface width in bytes. The default value is 4 bytes.
  • concurrency : the size of the internal queue for TileLink requests. By default, this value is 0, which means there will be no queue. This value must be greater than 0 if you wish to decoupled requests and responses for register accesses.



You can use function regmap, which is implemented in object RegFiled at regmapper/Regiled.scala:167.

The registers applied with regmap have four types: write, read, write one to clear, R/W register.

  def r(n: Int, r: RegReadFn) 
  def r(n: Int, r: RegReadFn,  desc: RegFieldDesc) 
  def w(n: Int, w: RegWriteFn)
  def w(n: Int, w: RegWriteFn, desc: RegFieldDesc)
  // This RegField allows 'set' to set bits in 'reg'.
  // and to clear bits when the bus writes bits of value 1.
  // Setting takes priority over clearing.
  def w1ToClear(n: Int, reg: UInt, set: UInt, desc: Option[RegFieldDesc] = None)
  // This RegField wraps an explicit register
  // (e.g. Black-Boxed Register) to create a R/W register.
  def rwReg(n: Int, bb: SimpleRegIO, desc: Option[RegFieldDesc] = None)

So if you want to use r or w, you need to provide:

  • n: the size of the register
  • r or w: the register parameter
  • desc: one case class RegFieldDesc. You can simply use one, and provide at least name and desc in this case class. You can find it at regmapper/Regiled.scala:38.

One example can be found here:

val reqReg = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
val compReg = RegInit(false.B)
  0x00 -> Seq(RegField.w(64, reqReg)), // the address of reqReg is 0x00
  0x08 -> Seq(RegField.r(1,compReg)) // the address of compReg is 0x08

The first element of the pair is an offset from the base address. The second is a sequence of RegField objects, each of which maps a different register. The RegField constructor takes two arguments. The first argument is the width of the register in bits. The second is the register itself.


Extend from LazyModule.



Extends from TLRegsiterRouterBase at tilelink/RegisterRouter.scala:119, which further extends from LazyModule. It need the following parameters:

     val base:        BigInt,
     val devname:     String,
     val devcompat:   Seq[String],
     val interrupts:  Int     = 0,
     val size:        BigInt  = 4096,
     val concurrency: Int     = 0,
     val beatBytes:   Int     = 4,
     val undefZero:   Boolean = true,
     val executable:  Boolean = false)
   (bundleBuilder: TLRegBundleArg => B)
   (moduleBuilder: (=> B, TLRegisterRouterBase) => M)(implicit p: Parameters)

And TLRegisterRouterBase needs to be LazyModuleImp.


Since the argument is a sequence, you can associate multiple RegField objects with an offset. If you do, the registers are read or written in parallel when the offset is accessed. The registers are in little endian order, so the first register in the list corresponds to the least significant bits in the value written. In this example, if the CPU wrote to offset 0x0E with the value 0xAB, smallReg0 will get the value 0xB and smallReg1 would get 0xA.

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLRegisterNode

class MyDeviceController(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
  val device = new SimpleDevice("my-device", Seq("tutorial,my-device0"))
  val node = TLRegisterNode(
    address = Seq(AddressSet(0x10028000, 0xfff)),
    device = device,
    beatBytes = 8,
    concurrency = 1)

  lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
    val bigReg = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
    val mediumReg = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
    val smallReg = RegInit(0.U(16.W))

    val tinyReg0 = RegInit(0.U(4.W))
    val tinyReg1 = RegInit(0.U(4.W))

      0x00 -> Seq(RegField(64, bigReg)),
      0x08 -> Seq(RegField(32, mediumReg)),
      0x0C -> Seq(RegField(16, smallReg)),
      0x0E -> Seq(
        RegField(4, tinyReg0),
        RegField(4, tinyReg1)))