[CodeStudy] RocketChip Fuzzer

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RocketChip Fuzzer

Location: ./rocketchip/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fuzzer.scala.

We should learn two class in this file and know how to get/put/Hint, etc. via TileLink protocol:

  • IDMapGenerator
  • TLFuzzer

The original one was written in Chisel2 coding style and Sequencer modified it into Chisel3 coding style here. And I will introduce the Chisel3 one.


This module can be seen as a demo to manage the source id, including how to send source id for requirement and how to reset the source id while it receive the response.

class IDMapGenerator(numIds: Int) extends Module {
  require (numIds > 0)

  val w = log2Up(numIds)
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val free = Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(w.W)))
    val alloc = Decoupled(UInt(w.W))

  io.free.ready := true.B

  // True indicates that the id is available
  val bitmap = RegInit(((BigInt(1) << numIds) -  1).U(numIds.W))

  val select = (~(leftOR(bitmap) << 1)).asUInt & bitmap
  io.alloc.bits := OHToUInt(select)
  io.alloc.valid := bitmap.orR()

  val clr = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when (io.alloc.fire()) { clr := UIntToOH(io.alloc.bits) }

  val set = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when (io.free.fire()) { set := UIntToOH(io.free.bits) }

  bitmap := (bitmap & (~clr).asUInt) | set
  assert (!io.free.valid || !(bitmap & (~clr).asUInt)(io.free.bits)) // No double freeing

io.free is used to receive the response source id via TileLink channel D, io.alloc is used to send the require source id via TileLink channel A.

And the bitmap register has numIds bits, each bit represents one source id, hence both require source id and response source id will be transmitted between one hot and common binary. The true means idle and false means this bit's source has sent requirement and hasn't received response.

While io.alloc.fire() is true, then it will send a source id via io.alloc.bits. This value is transmitted to one hot and assigned to clr, which is used to assign this bit to false in bitmap, means it's unavailable now.

  val clr = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when (io.alloc.fire()) { clr := UIntToOH(io.alloc.bits) }

While io.free.fire() is true, then it receives one response source id via io.free.bits. This value is transmitted to one hot too and assigned to set, which is used to assign this bit to true in bitmap, means it's available now.

  val set = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when (io.free.fire()) { set := UIntToOH(io.free.bits) }

The select signal means the position of lowest bits which value is true. And it uses leftOR to let all the bits of the left side of the lowest true bit are true, then shift left one bit, then get its negative value, and it with original bitmap, hence get the one hot value.

  val select = (~(leftOR(bitmap) << 1)).asUInt & bitmap
  io.alloc.bits := OHToUInt(select)
  io.alloc.valid := bitmap.orR()


This module is the main body to communicate with other TileLink components.

This module will not finish until it sends/receives nOperations.

Create a Master Node

Firstly, it create a clientParams.

val clientParams = if (nOrdered.isDefined) {
    val n = nOrdered.get
    require(n > 0, s"nOrdered must be > 0, not $n")
    require((inFlight % n) == 0, s"inFlight (${inFlight}) must be evenly divisible by nOrdered (${nOrdered}).")
    Seq.tabulate(n) {i =>
      TLClientParameters(name =s"OrderedFuzzer$i",
        sourceId = IdRange(i * (inFlight/n),  (i + 1)*(inFlight/n)),
        requestFifo = true)
  } else {
      name = "Fuzzer",
      sourceId = IdRange(0,inFlight)

Then use it to create a client node, i.e., a master node.

val node = TLClientNode(Seq(TLClientPortParameters(clientParams)))

For more details of client node parameter, you can see here at my blog.

Get Master and Salver

    val (out, edge) = node.out(0)

TileLink Five Channels

Here, as we create a client node, i.e., master node. So out represents the Master Interface in the graph, edge represents the Slaver Interface in the graph.

From line 156 to line 171, it shows how to generate TileLink messages such as put, get, Hint, etc. And only the edge owns those methods.

    // Actually generate specific TL messages when it is legal to do so
    val (glegal,  gbits)  = edge.Get(src, addr, size)
    val (pflegal, pfbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutFull) {
                              edge.Put(src, addr, size, data)
                            } else { (glegal, gbits) }
    val (pplegal, ppbits) = if(edge.manager.anySupportPutPartial) {
                              edge.Put(src, addr, size, data, mask)
                            } else { (glegal, gbits) }
    val (alegal,  abits)  = if(edge.manager.anySupportArithmetic) {
                              edge.Arithmetic(src, addr, size, data, arth_op)
                            } else { (glegal, gbits) }
    val (llegal,  lbits)  = if(edge.manager.anySupportLogical) {
                             edge.Logical(src, addr, size, data, log_op)
                            } else { (glegal, gbits) }
    val (hlegal,  hbits)  = if(edge.manager.anySupportHint) {
                              edge.Hint(src, addr, size, 0.U)
                            } else { (glegal, gbits) }

legal_dest is used to see whether the current address is legal.

    val legal_dest = edge.manager.containsSafe(addr)

And each TileLink operation will produce one kind of legal message, so it uses mux to get the current operation's legal message.

    val legal = legal_dest && MuxLookup(a_type_sel, glegal, Seq(
      "b000".U -> glegal,
      "b001".U -> (pflegal && !noModify.B),
      "b010".U -> (pplegal && !noModify.B),
      "b011".U -> (alegal && !noModify.B),
      "b100".U -> (llegal && !noModify.B),
      "b101".U -> hlegal))

Assign ReadVaild Signals

It needs to know the process of each operation, so

    // Progress within each operation
    val a = out.a.bits
    val (a_first, a_last, req_done) = edge.firstlast(out.a)

    val d = out.d.bits
    val (d_first, d_last, resp_done) = edge.firstlast(out.d)
    // Wire up Fuzzer flow control
    val a_gen = if (nOperations>0) num_reqs =/= 0.U else true.B
    idMap.io.alloc.ready := a_gen && legal && a_first && out.a.ready
    idMap.io.free.valid := d_first && out.d.fire()
    idMap.io.free.bits := out.d.bits.source

Only when a_first is true, then idMap need to generate one source id.

When d_fisrt is true, then the response is coming, and idMap can set this response source.

Tie Off the Unused Channels

As this module uses channel a, b and d, doesn't use channel c and e, so

    out.a.valid := !reset.asBool && a_gen && legal && (!a_first || idMap.io.alloc.valid)
    out.b.ready := true.B
    out.c.valid := false.B
    out.d.ready := true.B
    out.e.valid := false.B

Another Mimic Demo

I changed the idMap generator where each source id only sends one requirement by using two different registers reqBitmap and respBitmap.

class EyerissIDMapGenerator(val numIds: Int) extends Module {
  require(numIds > 0)
  private val w = log2Up(numIds)
  val io: EyerissIDMapGenIO = IO(new EyerissIDMapGenIO(w))
  io.free.ready := true.B
  /** [[reqBitmap]] true indicates that the id hasn't send require signal;
    * [[respBitmap]] true indicates that the id has received response;
    * both of them have [[numIds]] bits, and each bit represents one id;
    * */
  private val reqBitmap: UInt = RegInit(((BigInt(1) << numIds) - 1).U(numIds.W)) // True indicates that the id is available
  private val respBitmap: UInt = RegInit(0.U(numIds.W)) // false means haven't receive response
  /** [[select]] is the oneHot code which represents the lowest bit that equals to true;
    * Then use `OHToUInt` to get its binary value.
    * */
  private val select: UInt = (~(leftOR(reqBitmap) << 1)).asUInt & reqBitmap
  io.alloc.bits := OHToUInt(select)
  io.alloc.valid := reqBitmap.orR() // valid when there is any id hasn't sent require signal

  private val clr: UInt = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when(io.alloc.fire()) {
    clr := UIntToOH(io.alloc.bits)

  private val set: UInt = WireDefault(0.U(numIds.W))
  when(io.free.fire()) {
    set := UIntToOH(io.free.bits) // this is the sourceId that finishes
  respBitmap := respBitmap | set
  reqBitmap := (reqBitmap & (~clr).asUInt)
  /** when all the sources receive response*/
  private val finishWire = respBitmap.andR()
  when (finishWire) {
    respBitmap := 0.U
    reqBitmap := ((BigInt(1) << numIds) - 1).U
  io.finish := finishWire
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