[Tutorial] Background Execution of Reporting Commands in Cadence Genus

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Background Execution of Reporting Commands in Cadence Genus

Cadence Genus supports doing report in parallel and running them in the background with run_parallel_commands. Number of parallel processes depends on the max_cpu_per_server setting. Supported commands: report*, write*, check_timing_intent.

This tutorial introduces how to conditional enable this feature by adding a conditional prefix to the supported commands.

Step 1: query Genus version

Get the Genus version using get_db program_major_version, which will be used for condition.

set genus_version [get_db program_major_version]

Step 2: set conditional command

Set a conditional string that if supports run_parallel_commands, then it is the prefix of supported commands. Otherwise, the prefix is null.

if { $genus_version >= 21 } {
  set parallel_cmd "run_parallel_commands -log_dir $LOG_PATH -queue "
} else {
  set parallel_cmd {}

Step 3: add a prefix to the supported commands.

Using the following syntax to add the command to a queue.

"${parallel_cmd}\"YOUR CMD\""
# e.g.

Step 4: execute the commands in the queue

After adding all the commands within one stage, you have to execute them parallelly using run_parallel_commands -execute.

if {$genus_version >= 21 }{
  run_parallel_commands -execute


set genus_version [get_db program_major_version]
if { $genus_version >= 21 } {
  set parallel_cmd "run_parallel_commands -log_dir $LOG_PATH -queue "
} else {
  set parallel_cmd {}

"${parallel_cmd}\"YOUR CMD\""

if {$genus_version >= 21 }{
  run_parallel_commands -execute
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